Oxygen Therapy

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Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy devices used to treat oxygen deficient needs from low blood oxygen concentration, high altitudes or exercise

How much is shipping?Shipping is free in the Continental USA for all commodes and other products. Please contact us if you require shipping to Alaska or Hawaii.

What if I don't like it? What is your return policy?Some products by law cannot be returned for hygienic reasons. For all others, we offer a 30-day return policy on most products. Damaged product may be returned and exchanged at no cost to you. All others will be shipped at the customer’s expense to the least costly location. A 15-20% restocking fee will also apply depending on the item. See our Policy page for more information.

You said you will match price if I found a cheaper price elsewhere. What do I need to do to get that low price?Thank you for wanting to do business with us! This is explained in detail on our Policy page. First though, we like to advise customers that there may be hidden costs at other shopping sites such as shipping or tax. Or perhaps what you're looking at may not include options we include. Be sure you are comparing apples to oranges!

Do you bill Medicare?In order to keep our costs down and offer greatly reduced prices, ADHME does not bill any insurance company. However, for certain products that Medicare may partially reimburse on a purchase (i.e., commodes, lift chairs, walkers and rollators), we do provide a detailed paid invoice which will include any product HCPCS billing codes. We suggest checking with your private insurance company about possible reimbursement from them with your paid receipt.

Invacare®, DeVilbiss®, Caire®, Precision Medical oxygen concentrators, portable oxygen systems, pulse oximeters, oxygen regulators, conserving regulators, CPAP machines and masks for use by the disabled, handicapped, elderly, or other breathing impaired persons in the convalescent hospital, skilled nursing, assisted living facility or in a home care environment.

What is the difference between oxygen concentrators and oxygen regulators and conservers?

Oxygen ConcentratorsPatients who have trouble getting enough oxygen from breathing normal air can be assisted by breathing more purified oxygen from an oxygen concentrator. Oxygen concentrators are electric machines that turn normal room air into a more concentrated amount of oxygenated air. The oxygen delivery rate can be adjusted to suit the needs of the patient by setting the oxygen concentrator flow meter.

Oxygen Regulators and ConserversPulse oximeters quickly measure a users pulse/heart rate (bpm) and concentration of oxygen in the blood (SpO2) by either a finger clip or ear probe. Oxygen regulators and oxygen conservers regulate the flow of oxygen from a portable cylinder of compressed oxygen to tubing and a nasal cannula or mask. Oxygen conservers offer a much greater savings of oxygen because the oxygen is released from the cylinder as a pulse versus a continuous flow.

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