Suction Machines
Stationary & portable suction machines by DeVilbiss and others for homecare and on-the-go lifestyles with added DC & battery power capabilities
All these DeVilbiss, Drive, and John Bun aspirator suction machines are durable, high performance suction units designed for most homecare requirements.
DeVilbiss specializes in truly portable homecare suction machines
Look for these features in the following portable homecare suction machines by DeVilbiss if portability is a requirement for you:
- Internal battery for on-the-go lifestyles
- AC/DC adaptor for even more assurance you'll never be without power
- Quiet operation so you don't disturb other around you
- Compact for easy carrying to and from
Our most popular portable home suction unit is the 7305P-D by Devilbiss. If you want something quieter or more compact, check out their other units as well.
Portability not required?
If a stationary unit is fine for you, Devilbiss, Drive and Bun have other options to choose from. Bun and Drive boast heavy-duty suction machines.
Suction Machine SM100 by Rhythm Healthcare
Rhythm Healthcare
MSRP: $338.20current price $209.95Vacuum pressure adjusts 0 - 560 mmHg ••• Comes with 800 mL collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Easy to read gauge, carry handle and easy to turn flow knob ••• Designed for most homecare suction...MSRP: $338.20current price $209.95 -
John Bunn Vacutec 800 EV2 Aspirator Suction Unit JB0112-016
Graham Field
MSRP: $305.00current price $218.95Vacuum pressure adjusts up to 560 mmHg ••• Comes with 800 mL collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Designed for most homecare suction applications ••• Easy to read gauge and easy to turn flow...MSRP: $305.00current price $218.95 -
Heavy Duty Suction Machine 18600 by Drive
Drive Medical
MSRP: $479.73current price $248.95Vacuum pressure adjusts up to 560 mmHg ••• Comes with 800 mL collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Designed for most home care suction applications ••• High quality vacuum regulator and...MSRP: $479.73current price $248.95 -
DeVilbiss Vacu Aide Suction Unit 7305D-D Powered by AC or DC Adaptor
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $510.16current price $269.95Comes with power cords, collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Vacuum pressure adjusts 80 - 550 mmHg ••• Designed for most home care suction applications ••• High performance capabilities in compact...MSRP: $510.16current price $269.95 -
DeVilbiss 7314D-D Vacu Aide QSU Quiet Suction Unit
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $609.96current price $272.95Comes with power cords, collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Vacuum pressure adjusts 50 - 550 mmHg ••• Designed for most home care suction applications ••• Reliable, portable operation in a...MSRP: $609.96current price $272.95 -
Vacu Aide Suction Machine | No Battery 7325D-D by DeVilbiss
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $582.90current price $274.95Lighter and quieter than 7305 series suction units ••• Only 3.4 lbs. ••• Operate with AC power or DC car adapter ••• Includes power cords, collection jar, filter, 6 ft suction tube •••...MSRP: $582.90current price $274.95 -
High Vacuum Aspirator Suction Unit ASP-ROS by Roscoe
Roscoe Medical
MSRP: $379.95current price $279.95Adjustable vacuum pressure up to 675 mmHg ••• Comes with 800 mL collection jar, filter and 6 ft suction tube ••• Designed for most home care suction applications ••• Easy to read gauge and easy to turn flow...MSRP: $379.95current price $279.95 -
DeVilbiss Vacu-Aide Suction Machine Incl. Battery & Case | 7305P-D
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $804.83current price $329.95Weighs 6.3 lbs. ••• Vacuum pressure adjusts 50 - 550 mmHg ••• Noise level <70 dBa ••• Operates with AC power, DC car adapter or internal battery ••• Comes with power...MSRP: $804.83current price $329.95 -
DeVilbiss Vacu Aide Suction Unit with Battery & Case 7325P-D
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $803.28current price $349.95Lighter and quieter than 7305 series suction units ••• Only 3.8 lbs. ••• Operate with AC power, DC car adapter or internal battery ••• Includes power cords, battery, collection jar, filter, 6 ft...MSRP: $803.28current price $349.95 -
DeVilbiss 7310PR-D VacuAide Compact Suction Unit with Battery
DeVilbiss Healthcare
MSRP: $1,018.30current price $464.95More compact design weighs less than 3.5 lbs. ••• Vacuum pressure adjusts 50 - 550 mmHg ••• Noise level 65 dBa ••• Operates with AC power, DC car adapter or internal battery...MSRP: $1,018.30current price $464.95